Friday, December 16, 2011

Storytelling #1 - Southern Elementary

Individual Student Event. A student creates an original digital story, it may include original digital art to enhance the story.

Note from Elaine Harrison Lane, 12/14/2011: The author could ask another student to illustrate the story, making sure to give credit to the illustrator.

Title:  Vacation
Student Name:  Christy Kim
Grade Level:  3rd Grade

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Photo #1 - Southern Elementary

Individual Student Event. Students takes an original digital photo. Each piece should have a unique title.

When asked what is meant by the process used with the photo, Elaine Harrison Lane replied, 12/14/2011: I think a statement that says student used personal/school camera/phone to shoot the photograph.

Title:  Mustang Madness
Student Name:  Paige Hughes
Grade Level:  3rd Grade
Software:  none
Process: Paige took this photo on her family's personal digital SLR camera. The image was uploaded directly to this website.

Photo #2 - Southern Elementary

Individual Student Event. Students takes an original digital photo. Each piece should have a unique title.

When asked what is meant by the process used with the photo, Elaine Harrison Lane replied, 12/14/2011: I think a statement that says student used personal/school camera/phone to shoot the photograph.

Title:  Kickin' It
Student Name:  Cole Rankin
Grade Level:  5th Grade
Software: none
Process:  Cole took this photo using an STLP point-n-shoot camera while at school.

Manipulated Image #1 - Southern Elementary

Individual Student Event. A student creates an original digital image then manipulates the image with software to create an original new image. Both images are posted. If chosen for state, follow rubric directions for matting and piece can be no larger than 11" x 14" or smaller than 5.5" x 8.5".

Title of manipulated image:  Rainbow
Title of original image:  IMG_113
Student Name:  Emmalee Dragonette
Grade Level:  5th
Software:  Photoshop Elements 10
Process:  Emmalee edited her photo using Photoshop Elements 10.

Manipulated Image #2 - Southern Elementary

Individual Student Event. A student creates an original digital image then manipulates the image with software to create an original new image. Both images are posted. If chosen for state, follow rubric directions for matting and piece can be no larger than 11" x 14" or smaller than 5.5" x 8.5".

Title of manipulated image:  Playground Tree
Title of original image: IMG_0375
Student Name:  Megan Crowley
Grade Level:  4th
Software: (free version)
Process:  Megan edited her photo using (free version).

Original Art #1 - Southern Elementary STLP

Individual Student Event. The student uses software to create an original digital piece of art. The work has no clip art, digital photos or images from any other source. Each piece should have a unique title. If chosen for state, follow rubric directions for matting and piece can be no larger than 11" x 14" or smaller than 5.5" x 8.5".

Title:  Peace
Student Name:  Bryce McPherson
Grade Level:  5th Grade
Software:  ArtRage 2 Starter Edition, Photoshop Elements 10
Process: Bryce created a painting in Artrage. Imported the saved image as a jpeg to Photoshop Elements and continued to manipulate the image in Photoshop.

Original Art #2 - Southern Elementary STLP

Individual Student Event. The student uses software to create an original digital piece of art. The work has no clip art, digital photos or images from any other source. Each piece should have a unique title. If chosen for state, follow rubric directions for matting and piece can be no larger than 11" x 14" or smaller than 5.5" x 8.5".

Title:  Life is Full of Colors
Student Name:  Megan Crowley
Grade Level:  4th Grade
Software: ArtRage 2 Starter Edition
Process:  Megan created a painting in Artrage.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The only way to become a better reader is to READ!!!

Thanksgiving Feast

2nd Grade Thanksgiving Feast
November 22nd @ 1:15p.m.

Bring a dish and join us!!!!

Technology Night

Southern Technology Night
Thursday, November 17th @ 5:30 p.m.
Come for Pizza, Stay for FUN!

Monday, October 10, 2011


What is Bullying?
  • Physical aggression: hitting, kicking, pushing, choking, punching;
  • Verbal aggression: threatening, taunting, teasing, starting rumors, hate speech;
  • Exclusion from activities: This does not mean that a student should have to be friends with every other student; it does mean that children should not be allowed to systematically exclude others: "No one play with Mary;" "No one wants to play with him;" "Don't be her friend."
Bullying in schools is against FEDERAL law and Fayette Co. Public School Policy!
Please speak with your student about bullying behaviors!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Scan this code into your iphone or ipad to view our class blog!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Addition & Subtraction Practice

Tops and Bottoms Resources



Scholastic Book Orders
Teacher Login HH8RP

Weekly Words Sept 5-9 STUDY

Vocabulary Words

1.     clever:  smart
2.     scowl:  frown
3.     harvest:    the fruits, vegetables, grains, and other useful plants that grow in one season
4.     regroup:     to form into a new group when adding and subtracting
5.     characteristics:  a distinctive feature or quality
1. games
2. take
3. make
4. name
5. flame
6. same
7. became
8. brake
9. snake
10. mistake

11. eyelid
12. slide
13. line
14. more
15. together
1.     bought
2.     front
3.     kitchen
4.     roll
5.     until
6.     reason

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Raz-Kids Online Reading

I have added your student into the online reading program! Encourage them to login and read as much as they want. The book level they are on in the program matches their reading level at school, so hopefully enough practice will help them advance to the next level quickly!
Teacher: Kdeckeri

The Daily 5 Literacy Block

            Welcome to a new school year! I hope you had a wonderful summer and enjoyed spending quality time with your children. This summer I was deeply engrossed in discovering what researchers say most benefits students as they become readers, writers, and lifelong learners. As a result, the structure of my literacy block may look and sound a little different and I am EXCITED!
            It won’t be long until you hear your child talking about “The Daily Five.” The purpose of this letter is to fill you in on what The Daily Five is all about.
            The Daily Five is a way of structuring the reading block so every student is independently engaged in meaningful literacy tasks. These research based tasks are ones that will have the biggest impact on student reading and writing achievement, as well as foster children who love to read and write. Students receive explicit whole group instruction and then are given independent practice time to read and write independently while I provide focused, intense instruction to individuals or small groups of students.
When it is up and running smoothly, students will be engaged in the Daily Five, which is comprised of:
· Read to Self
· Work on Writing
· Working on Words
· Read to Someone
· Listen to Reading
There are very specific behavior expectations that go with each of The Daily Five component. We will spend the first weeks working intensely on building our reading and writing stamina, learning the behaviors of The Daily Five, and fostering our classroom community. I will also spend time learning about your child’s strengths and greatest needs as a reader in order to best plan for each student’s instruction.
One thing you will notice that may be a change for you is a decrease in the number of worksheets your child brings home. While worksheets keep students busy, they don’t really result in the high level of learning I want for your child. Instead your child will be taught to select “Good Fit Books” or books they can read, understand, and are interested in. They will be spending most of their time actually reading, which research supports as the number one way of improving reading. I anticipate the motivation and enjoyment of reading will skyrocket when this gift of choosing their own books is accompanied by extended practice and specific reading instruction for each individual child. Additionally, I have decided to postpone sending home phonics, word wall, and vocabulary words until I can see that students understand the structure and procedures that go along with The Daily Five.
 As you can see, I am excited about giving your child the opportunity to be involved in a structure that will have a positive effect on his/her education.
Please think of our classroom when you visit garage sales or clean your own child’s book case. It is my goal to make our classroom library as appealing as your favorite book store for browsing.
I want to thank you for the continued support in your child’s education. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact me at any time. 


Dear Parents and Guardians,
I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know about the field trips we plan to take this year.  I love field trips because they provide rich and exciting experiences for the children outside of the classroom.  We are planning on going to the pumpkin patch in October, a play in December, Gattitown in March, and Salato Wildlife Center in May.  If you would like to volunteer to join us, please make sure you have been approved as a volunteer.  Volunteers in the state of Kentucky are required to have a background check.  You may go online to to submit your form.  Once you are approved by Fayette County’s Human Resources Department, we receive your name.  If you have applied and are not sure if you are on the approved volunteer list, we can look that up for you.  Once you are approved, you do not have to do this again for 5 years. 

Here is more information for each trip we are planning:
* Thursday, October 20, 2011 - Evan’s Orchard - Approximately 9:15-1:30 - Approximate Cost $11.25
* Thursday, December 15, 2011 - Lexington Children’s Theatre - Old Jake’s Skirts - Limited Seating Available - Approximately 9:15-11:30 Approximate Cost $9.25
* March (Date not confirmed) – Gattitown - Approximately 9:15-1:30 Approximate Cost $13.25
* May (Date not confirmed) - Salato Wildlife Center - Approximately 9:15-1:30 - Approximate Cost $6.00


Parent/Teacher Communication
Each day, your child will bring home a Behavior Log which includes information about their behavior during the day, plus the list of homework to be completed that night and the weekly newsletter on the back. There is space each day for you to sign/return and communicate with me if needed. 
Additionally, you may email or call me at school at 859.381.3589.  Please dont hesitate to contact me!
Finally, our class blog has TONS of great information about our classroom activities, online learning games and important information for PARENTS and STUDENTS. Check the blog often!
Homework Policy
Homework will be assigned each night (math and reading) and students are expected to return homework completed the next day. Homework grades are not given, but students will be given credit for completion. Not completing homework will result in a consequence of structured recess time (students will finish their homework during recess).

Basic Classroom Rules
1.            Follow ALL adult directions.
2.            Show respect & kindness to EVERYONE.
3.            Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Behavior Policy
Behavior Chart
Green- Wonderful Day – no marks on Behavior Log
Yellow- 5 minutes off recess
Orange- 10 minutes off recess & note/phone call home
Red- 15 minutes off recess & note/phone call home

**If your child is on green, it will not be marked on the chartThe only time that the behavior will be charted on the daily log is when your child has changed his or her color.

I give away prizes for good behavior via trips to the treasure box. The system used to earn treasure box trips changes often to keep the students on their toes.
On Fridays, any student who has not had a color change at all during the week will be invited to LUNCH CLUB where we will eat lunch and watch a movie in our classroom during lunch time.
Volunteer Information
We welcome (and need) classroom volunteers throughout the year.  If you would like to volunteer, you will need to complete the volunteer background check form on-line. It is good for five years. Volunteer opportunities include working in our classroom, chaperoning field trips, working with small groups of students, helping to coordinate activities and special events, and even donating needed supplies. You will not be able to work in our classroom or attend field trips if you have not registered with our school as a volunteer! If you are interested, simply contact Ginger Perkins in the Family Resource Center @ or apply online @
Our (Tentative) Daily Schedule
7:35-7:45               Arrival

7:45-8:00               Morning Work

8:00-9:00               Writing/Science/S.S.

9:00-9:55               Specials

9:55-11:10             Math

11:10-11:35           Lunch

11:35-12:00           Math

12:00 – 2:05           Reading

2:05-2:35               Recess

2:35                      Dismissal

Classroom Wish List (things we use ALL year)
Dry-Erase Markers
Colored Paper/Cardstock
Snacks/ Treasure Box Treats

Let’s LOVE Learning Together! Ms. Decker