Friday, January 10, 2014

Mrs. Fowler's Family Helps Ecuador

Mrs. Fowler's brother and sister-in-law have made it to Ecuador where they will begin working with children who have physical disabilities.

To follow their adventure you may read their blog, Day Adventures, at the link above. A blog is like an online diary where people write about their lives and share their experiences and feelings with others. 

If you have questions or comments to make post them on here first using the comment button (make sure to include your first name only) and then we will send them to the Day family! I'm sure they will write us back. Perhaps if we have enough questions they will video chat with us one day.

Homework - EVERY NIGHT!

Choose from the following items to do for at least 30 minutes each night:
  1. Read a book or magazine

To reach your learning goals more quickly, try to do all three!

Remember there is no such thing as a "Goal Fairy" who can tap you with her magic knowledge wand or sprinkle you will mystical learning dust during the night, you have to work hard to achieve your goals. ~Ms. Decker