Sunday, August 26, 2012

Book Review Directions

Student Response Question

What is the best book you've ever read? When did you read it, for instance what grade? And why do you think it is the best book?

~Ms. Decker

I'll start. Over the summer I read The Hunger Games Trilogy and I was blown away by how involved I became with the characters and the storyline. I felt like I actually knew the characters, because the author gave such good descriptions to who they were and what they were like. When characters became ill, I felt badly for them, like I wanted to help them! I was so captivated by the sequence of events I could hardly put the books down to sleep or even eat! I think I finished all three books in a little over a week's time. Once I was finished with the whole series, I felt extremely sad and almost depressed, because my "friends" were gone and I couldn't experience their lives with them anymore. 

4th Grade Reading Log - 15 min per night!

A Little Penguin for Your Day

Specific Reading Strategy