Monday, May 9, 2011

Field Trip - May 31

Explorium of Lexington Field Trip
May 31st, 2011 from 10:00am – 1:30pm
We will be eating our box lunches at the Explorium.
Cost per student is $8.75 + a school lunch
Each classroom needs at least 5 parent volunteers to make this trip happen. You may only go if you have completed and been approved for the Southern Ele. Volunteer List @
My student _______________________ has permission to attend the field trip to the Explorium of Lexington on May 31st, 2011.
______ They will be eating a school boxed lunch.
______ They will be bringing their own boxed lunch.
______ I will volunteer to attend this field trip.

My student _____________________________ does NOT have permission to attend the field trip to the Explorium of Lexington.

Parent Signature___________________________________________
Important Medical Info: ____________________________________________________________
RETURN BY MAY 25, 2011