Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Eve Thank You

Decker’s Dinosaur Families, 

I want to take this moment to thank you for being so supportive and understanding this school year of your children, our classroom, me and our school. It truly takes a village to not only raise a child, but educate them as well. I know we have hard concepts to cover at times and there are days when your children face frustration. I want to assure you that it will all be worth it when they are ready for 4th grade and the rest of their educational careers. Everything we do is 100% for their benefit. 

We have a great class! Having never taught 3rd grade before, I was worried at the beginning of the year. However, this group of caring, hardworking, helpful and inquisitive children have made me realize how lucky I am to have them. If you are ever curious, come volunteer. They will quickly show you how awesome they are! Extremely deep thinking happens every single day. 

Again, thank you for believing in your children and me as we near the half-way point of this 3rd grade adventure. If you ever have questions or concerns, please come talk to me. I not always have the immediate answer, but I will sure figure it out. 

Have a terrific Thanksgiving Break and we hope to see you on Tuesday! 

Ms. Decker