Friday, April 12, 2019

The Original Oregon Trail Computer Game

Time Machine (1845): The Oregon Trail

By The Ottawa Free Trader, adapted by Newsela staff
Text Level 5
Word Count 717
A re-enactment of the Oregon Trail. BELOW: Map from the Ox Team, or the Old Oregon Trail 1852–1906, by Ezra Meeker.
A re-enactment of the Oregon Trail. BELOW: Map from the Ox Team, or the Old Oregon Trail 1852–1906, by Ezra Meeker.
Editor's Note: The Oregon Trail was a wagon road stretching 2,170 miles from the Missouri River to the Willamette Valley in Oregon. It was a trail across endless prairie, sagebrush desert and mountains. From the 1840s through the 1880s, possibly 500,000 emigrants trekked westward following the trails to California, the Pacific Northwest and Utah. These were pioneers who left their homes in search of a better life. They carried only a few belongings and supplies for the journey and crossed in covered wagons. They settled on the Western frontier, forever changing the American West.
This article was originally published in the Ottawa Free Trader on June 13, 1845. It describes a group of emigrants on the trail who have stopped in Kaw Village, Kansas. The Kaw Indians who lived there were also called the Kansa. Kansas is named after them.
EMIGRANTS CAMP, Kaw Village, May 15, 1845 — A ride of 100 miles from Independence, Missouri, has brought us here. My eyes are so grateful to observe this scene! The Oregon emigrants are assembled in the center of a beautiful prairie. It is the location that the Kaw Indians have selected for their village. The emigrants are meeting here to complete their final plans. 
One hundred-four covered wagons are arranged in a ring and linked together with ox chains. They form an immense corral to enclose the cattle and horses. One hundred more wagons are stationed nearby. They dot the plain with their snow white covers, busily moving to and fro in preparation for the trip. Some emigrants herd the animals that are eating the thick grass. It is a scene full of activity, sunshine and excitement. 

Setting Up A Government For Their Adventure

The emigrants have been busy creating rules for their government. They have also been electing officers. The group has been arranged into four groups. They will travel separately or together, depending on what happens along the way.
From the count which I have taken, there were present:
Total of adult person,...................__559
Total of Children...........................**__**449
The people are nervous, intelligent and determined. They are embarking upon a hazardous and exhausting journey. They will be surrounded by unknown dangers. They are fully equipped with food, weapons, excellent vehicles, an abundance of animals and experienced guides. They move in a line 2 miles long, surrounded by herds and horsemen. The sight of this train of moving houses inspired in us the most stirring feelings. 
This morning the warlike news from England reached the camp. They announced that they are equally determined to settle and to conquer the West. Should England fail, we shall be victorious. 

These Emigrants Are Doing America A Great Service

The emigrants go to stop British conquest. We defeated the British in the Atlantic. Now, they have gone round the world to destroy us from behind. Several emigrants are heading to their final destination in California. On the way, they will pass by Oregon, thus bringing those two new places closer together.
We appreciate the emigrants who leave here. We value their service to this country. They go to plant a new people in a new and appealing country. They go to create new states, to give to us new business and to open a new field to the growing desires of our expanding land.  
They go to challenge the British and stop them from being here.

Westward Ho! Best Of Luck To These Courageous Souls!

At the same time as these emigrants leave, others have already begun their journey. We do not know how many there are. It is a wonderful desire that they have. It is a mix of love of country, curiosity and a warlike spirit of adventure that is pressing our people onward to the Western seas. They will be gratified when they arrive. Oregon offers wild adventure for the young, good health and a fair climate for females.
Success to those who have gone! Success too, to those who may follow during succeeding years! We may expect a steady, yearly increase in their numbers, as the importance of Oregon and California become more fully known. Let us cheer the brave pioneers to whom we say goodbye. Let us embolden ourselves, that each succeeding year may be better than the one before.

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